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26 Jun 2024


Our Newsletters are very informative.

22 Jan 2024

Employers Payroll Savings!

Saving direct from your salary to your credit union account

19 Jun 2023

Credit unions can offer more affordable finance options for borrowers

Young Borrowers urged to consider Credit Union Loans

FGCU Lottery

The Friends of Grampian Credit Union (FGCU) Lottery

The Friends of Grampian Credit Union (FGCU) Lottery

Entries cost just £1.00 each and up to 10 entries per month can be taken.

It is easy to take part as payment for lottery entries are deducted from the savings in your Grampian Credit Union - Easy Saver Account prior to each monthly draw.

You must be at least 16 years of age to take part in the FGCU Lottery. There will be monetary prizes awarded each month. All winners will be notified in writing of their lottery winning amount.

Additional information about the FGCU Lottery

No more than 50% of ticket sales will be paid out in prizes with any surplus funds, after deduction of administration costs, donated to Grampian Credit Union.

The FGCU Lottery is a separate entity to Grampian Credit Union Ltd. Grampian Credit Union administers the lottery on behalf of The FGCU Lottery.

Lottery Winners - June 2024
  • 1st prize - Helen - ticket 18 - £50.00
  • 2nd prize - Ponfa - ticket 226 - £40.00
  • 3rd prize - Elaine - ticket 4 - £30.00
  • 4th prize - Val - ticket 65 - £20.00
  • 5th prize - John – ticket 276 - £10.00
Lottery Winners - May 2024
  • 1st Prize – Stuart - ticket 84 - £50.00
  • 2nd Prize – Elaine - ticket 4 - £40.00
  • 3rd Prize - Michael - ticket 273 - £30.00
  • 4th Prize – Isobel – ticket 446 - £20.00
  • 5th Prize – John – ticket 276 - £10.00
Lottery Winners - April 2024

1st Prize – Andrew - ticket 258 - £50.00

2nd Prize – Graeme - ticket 59 - £40.00

3rd Prize – Nadine - ticket 246 - £30.00

4th Prize – Ingrid – ticket 24 - £20.00

5th Prize – Deborah – ticket 328 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - March 2024

1st Prize - Katy - ticket 413 - £50.00

2nd Prize - Patricia - ticket 34 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Michael - ticket 214 - £30.00

4th Prize - Diane - ticket 200 - £20.00

5th Prize - Emmanuel - ticket 155 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - February 2024

1st Prize - Carol - ticket 137 - £50.00

2nd Prize - Andrew - ticket 292 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Nicola - ticket 76 - £30.00

4th Prize - Esther - ticket 265 - £20.00

5th Prize - Isobel – ticket 346 - £10.00

Lottery winners - January 2024

1st Prize - Ken - ticket 210 - £50.00

2nd Prize - Susan - ticket 191 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Christine - ticket 265 - £30.00

4th Prize - Andrew - ticket 290 - £20.00

5th Prize - Lorraine - ticket 141 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - Christmas 2023

1st Prize - Jeanette - ticket 243 - £100.00

2nd Prize - Harry - ticket 80 - £50.00

3rd Prize - Prudence - ticket 141 - £50.00

4th Prize – Susan – ticket 275 - £25.00

5th Prize – Diane – ticket 316 - £25.00

Lottery Winners - November 2023

1st Prize - Andrew - ticket 281 - £50.00

2nd Prize - Susan - ticket 260 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Derek - ticket 393 - £30.00

4th Prize - Prudence - ticket 105 - £20.00

5th Prize - Nicola - ticket 76 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - October 2023

1st Prize - Stuart - ticket 87 - £50.00

2nd Prize - James - ticket 247 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Jean - ticket 7 - £30.00

4th Prize - Janette- ticket 55 - £20.00

5th Prize - Rebecca - ticket 179 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - September 2023

1st Prize - Christine - ticket 236 - £50.00

2nd Prize - Brendan - ticket 226 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Jason - ticket 321 - £30.00

4th Prize - Prudence - ticket 94 - £20.00

5th Prize - John - ticket 284 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - August 2023

1st Prize - Carol - ticket 21 - £50.00

2nd Prize - Karen - ticket 315 - £40.00

3rd Prize - Rebecca - ticket 186 - £30.00

4th Prize - Lia - ticket 120 - £20.00

5th Prize - Ingrid - ticket 24 - £10.00

Lottery Winners - July 2023
  • 1st prize - Nicola - ticket 77 - £50.00
  • 2nd prize - Donna - ticket 243 - £40.00
  • 3rd prize - Romanus - ticket 279 - £30.00
  • 4th prize – Michael - ticket 251 - £20.00
  • 5th prize - Afamefuna – ticket 289 - £10.00